
Is there anyone doing research on wax worms on their plastic feeding? - Quora

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Answer: Yes, there is research being conducted on wax worms and their ability to digest plastic. A team of scientists from Spain recently published a paper in Current Biology that showed the wax worms can biodegrade plastic bags. The team found that wax worms have the ability to break down polyet

Is there anyone doing research on wax worms on their plastic feeding? - Quora

Scientists have discovered a worm that eats plastic bags and leaves behind antifreeze

Do bugs like flour? Why or why not? - Quora

Does feeding a crayfish mealworms superworms hornworms or any other live insects make the tank dirty? - Quora

Wax Worm Enzyme Could Help Fight Plastic Waste Pollution

Live Wax Worm Reptile Food Fishing Bait — Jungle Bobs, 56% OFF

Wax worm saliva rapidly breaks down plastic bags, scientists discover, Plastics

Is there anyone doing research on wax worms on their plastic feeding? - Quora

I was having a shower and towards the end of it, I saw like a worm in the tub. It was red and moving. Did it fall out of me? What do

Can Plastic-Eating Worms Solve Our Trash Problem?